Kalpataru Ayurved Chikitsalaya™

White discharge, also known as leucorrhea, is a common occurrence among women. While a small amount of discharge is normal, any changes in its consistency, color, or smell may indicate an underlying condition that requires treatment. Generally, normal white discharge is clear or white and has no strong odor. However, if the discharge becomes dark yellow, gray, has a foul smell, or is accompanied by itching or burning sensations, it is essential to seek medical attention.

Types of Infections:

When white discharge becomes abnormal, it could indicate an infection. The two most common types of infections are bacterial and fungal. Fungal infections typically result in a thick, curd-like discharge resembling cottage cheese. These infections may also cause swelling, pain, and intense itching in the affected area. Additionally, certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also lead to abnormal white discharge.

Importance of Treatment:

Untreated infections can spread throughout the genital system, leading to more severe complications. Allergies to specific medications, soaps, detergents, or condoms can also trigger white discharge. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the cause and seek appropriate treatment to prevent further health issues.

Pregnancy and White Discharge:

During pregnancy, an increase in white discharge is common. This discharge serves a protective purpose, helping to prevent infections from reaching the uterus. While increased discharge during pregnancy is generally not a cause for concern, it’s essential to monitor any significant changes.

Other Contributing Factors:

Several factors contribute to abnormal white discharge, including diabetes, low immunity, and improper vaginal hygiene practices. The frequent use of vaginal douches or hygiene products marketed for cleansing the vaginal area can be harmful, causing irritation or allergic reactions that lead to discharge. Similarly, oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) can disrupt the natural balance of the vaginal flora, resulting in discharge.

Preventive Measures:

To avoid recurrent issues with white discharge, it is recommended to wear loose-fitting innerwear and maintain proper hygiene by cleaning from front to back to prevent the spread of infections from the rectal area to the vaginal area.

Ayurvedic Perspective on White Discharge:

In Ayurveda, this condition is referred to as “Pradar,” which can be categorized into two types: Rakta Pradar (excessive bleeding) and Shweta Pradar (white discharge). The causes of Shweta Pradar are linked to the imbalance of the Kapha Dosha.

Ayurvedic treatment for white discharge involves two main approaches:

  1. Bruhana Chikitsa (Nourishing Treatment): This treatment strengthens the genital system and boosts local immunity to prevent recurrent infections and allergies. Herbs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Kushmand, and medicines like Laghu Malini Vasant are commonly used.
  2. Stambhana Chikitsa (Astringent Treatment): This treatment focuses on reducing excessive secretions from the genital area. Herbs like Lodhra, Dhataki, Daruharidra, Nagarmotha, Sariva, Yashtimadhu (Licorice), and Amla are utilized for this purpose. Pushyanug Churna is a particularly effective remedy, and its efficacy increases when taken with rice water.

Vaginal Cleansing (Yoni Prakshalan):

Ayurveda recommends vaginal cleansing (Yoni Prakshalan) as a treatment for infections, swelling, burning sensations, itching, and abnormal discharge. Herbal decoctions made from Triphala or Panchvalkala are used for vaginal douching to alleviate these symptoms and reduce excessive discharge.


White discharge, while often harmless, can sometimes signal underlying health issues that need attention. Timely treatment, proper hygiene, and Ayurvedic interventions can help manage and prevent recurrent infections. If you notice any unusual symptoms related to white discharge, consulting a healthcare professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment is essential.

Dr. Manoj Deshpande and Dr. Aparna Deshpande at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ Clinic provide the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis & various diseases in Pune, Maharashtra. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to requestan appointment with the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Pune, call +919422068682 / +919764837167 / 02024480625 or Click on Book an Appointment.

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