Kalpataru Ayurved Chikitsalaya™

According to Ayurveda, the Sharad Rutucharya rate falls during the Hindu months of Bhadrapad and Ashwin. It is the season from mid-September to November. It is the rutu of Dakshinayan. Sharad rutu marks the transition from summer to winter.
In Sharad rutu, the sky is covered with blue and white clouds. The Earth is a little muddy. The incisive rays of the sun fall on Earth. The hot sun rays in Sharad rutu exaggerate the Pitta dosh which is already accumulated in the body in Varsha rutu.

Because of the hot sun rays in Sharad rutu, the water in rivers, ponds, etc. gets detoxified and becomes pure and clean. In Sharad rutu, the prevalent rasa is Lavan and mahabhutas are Apa and Agni. The strength of an individual stays medium.
In Sharad rutu, the gratification of Vaat dosh happens, Pitta dosh is vitiated and the movement of Agni increases.
So to pacify Pitta dosh and keep the Agni in normal condition we should follow a proper diet and lifestyle.

Diet in Sharad rutu :-

• Foods having madhur (sweet) and tikta (bitter) taste, and of light (light to digest) and cold properties should be eaten.

• Foods having the properties to pacify the Pitta dosh are advised.

• Wheat, green gram, nectar, sugar sweet, Patol (Tricosanthes dioxide), and meat of animals in dry areas should be included in the diet.

•Avoid hot, spicy food in Sharad rutu.

• Meal of aquatic creatures, curds, fats, and oils should be avoided.

Lifestyle in Sharad rutu :-

• As the sunrays are hot in Sharad rutu, to keep the body cold it is advised to wear garlands of flowers and pearls.

• Dress up with light-coloured and clean clothes.

• Cosume the cooling rays of the moon in the late evening.

• Napping during the day, exposure to sunlight, and excessive eating should be avoided in Sharad rutu.

Diseases aggravated in this season are stomatitis, piles & fissures in the ano, hyperacidity, certain skin ailments, etc.

Panchkarm advised in this season are Virechan (planned purgation) and raktmokdhsn(bloodletting).

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