Kalpataru Ayurved Chikitsalaya™

Chronic pancreatitis is a debilitating condition characterized by inflammation and irreversible damage to the pancreas over time. In Ayurveda, this ailment is understood as a disturbance in the Agni (digestive fire) and is attributed to various factors that disrupt the balance of the body. Let’s delve into the Ayurvedic perspective on chronic pancreatitis, exploring its types, underlying reasons, and the transition from acute to chronic stages.

What is Chronic Pancreatitis?

In Ayurveda, chronic pancreatitis can be correlated with”Pittaja Gulma,” where Pitta dosha aggravation leads to the formation of a mass or tumor-like structure in the pancreas. This condition disrupts the normal functioning of the pancreas, impacting digestion, metabolism, and overall health.

Types of Pancreatitis:

  1. Acute Pancreatitis: This is a sudden inflammation of the pancreas, often caused by small gallstones or excessive alcohol consumption. It typically resolves within a few days with proper treatment.

  2. Chronic Pancreatitis: Unlike acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis is a persistent inflammation that gradually worsens over time. It can lead to permanent damage to the pancreas, affecting its ability to function properly.

Reasons Behind Chronic Pancreatitis:

  1. Dietary Factors: Consuming excessive amounts of spicy, oily, and processed foods can aggravate pitta dosha, leading to inflammation in the pancreas.

  2. Alcohol Abuse: Excessive alcohol consumption is considered a major cause of chronic pancreatitis in Ayurveda. Alcohol aggravates pitta dosha and leads to the accumulation of ama in the pancreas.

  3. Smoking: According to Ayurveda, smoking disrupts the balance of doshas and contributes to the formation of ama, which can damage the pancreas over time.

  4. Chronic Stress: Stress is known to disturb the balance of doshas, particularly vata and pitta, leading to digestive problems and inflammation in the pancreas.

  5. Genetic Factors: Ayurveda also acknowledges genetic predispositions to certain diseases, including chronic pancreatitis. Individuals with a family history of pancreatic disorders may be more susceptible to developing chronic pancreatitis.

Symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis:

Recognizing the symptoms of Chronic Pancreatitis is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention. Patients may experience persistent abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and oily, foul-smelling stools. Moreover, the onset of diabetes and the formation of gallbladder stones are common complications associated with this condition.

Transition from Acute to Chronic Pancreatitis:

  1. Untreated Acute Pancreatitis: If acute pancreatitis is not promptly treated or if the underlying causes are not addressed, it can progress to chronic pancreatitis.
  2. Continued Aggravation of Doshas: The repeated episodes of acute inflammation in the pancreas lead to a chronic imbalance of doshas, particularly pitta and vata, causing long-term damage to the organ.
  3. Accumulation of Ama: The incomplete digestion and metabolism of food, along with the toxic effects of alcohol and smoking, contribute to the accumulation of ama in the pancreas, exacerbating inflammation and damage.

Ayurvedic Perspective and Treatment:

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to managing Chronic Pancreatitis. Ayurvedic treatment emphasizes dietary and lifestyle modifications tailored to each individual’s constitution. Spicy, oily, and fatty foods are to be avoided, while stress management and regular sleep patterns are encouraged.

Herbal remedies play a significant role in Ayurvedic treatment, aiming to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and promote bowel movements. Shankh, Praval, Kapardika, Shukta, Sutshekhar, Sunth, and Avla are some of the herbs commonly used to alleviate symptoms and restore pancreatic function.

For more information and treatment modalities watch our informative video


Chronic Pancreatitis is a complex condition that requires a multifaceted approach to management. While modern medicine offers symptomatic relief, Ayurvedic principles can complement conventional treatment by addressing the root cause and promoting overall well-being. By adopting a balanced lifestyle, following dietary guidelines, and incorporating herbal remedies, individuals with Chronic Pancreatitis can experience improved quality of life and better disease management. Always consult with healthcare professionals before making any significant changes to your treatment plan.

Dr. Manoj Deshpande and Dr. Aparna Deshpande at Kalpataru Ayurvediya Chikitsalaya™ Clinic provide the best Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis & various diseases in Pune, Maharashtra. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Pune, call +919422068682 / +919764837167 / 020-24480625 or Click on Book an Appointment.

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